She has a broad background in corporate law with an emphasis on company reform and transformation, identification of issues, and implementation of various solutions, even in the face of insolvency.
She has served in administrative and jurisdictional roles at the Superintendence of Corporations, where she has been appointed several times as Deputy Superintendent for Inspection, Surveillance, and Control, and Deputy Superintendent for Insolvency Procedures. She has also worked as an Office Advisor, Director, and Coordinator. She has acted as a judge in hundreds of insolvency cases from 2014 to 2022, and until January 2022, she served as Director of Reorganization Processes at the Superintendence of Corporations, as well as an Ad-hoc Judge. In 2008, she was part of the inter-institutional team that investigated the mass collection of funds from the public without legal authorization, addressed and resolved the crisis generated from 2008 to 2009, and led the special group that conducted new investigations into collection from 2009 to 2011.
She was a member of the team studying the reform of the corporate regime. As Coordinator of Investment and Foreign Debt at the Superintendence of Corporations, she led investigations into exchange violations during the 2008-2009 crisis. For five years, she led administrative investigations into supervised companies, establishing and leading the process. For several years, she reviewed and resolved requests regarding mergers, spin-offs, and capital reductions with cash reimbursement of contributions, which must be previously authorized by the Superintendency.
Bethy holds a Specialization in Commercial Law from the Pontifical Javeriana University and an LL.B. from the Pontifical Javeriana University in Colombia. She has completed Diplomas in the General Code of Procedure, Administrative Law, and Legal Conciliation at the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota.